A rāhui is currently in place along a section of the Rangitaiki River in Murupara, following a death over the weekend.
Kaumatua, Pem Bird advised on social media, "the area in the Rangitaiki River will result in the tikanga (custom) of rāhui being placed on the river covering a two week time period from the old bridge to the Aniwhenua dam."
"The rāhui will result in the prohibition of all activity in the water including swimming, fishing, eeling out of respect for the deceased from November 26th - December 9, 2023." Bird said.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa posted on social media yesterday.
"Please respect our Kaumatua’s decision to impose this rāhui along our river. The rāhui is in place from now until the 9th Dec from the old bridge to Lake Aniwhenua"
"Please make our tamariki aware of what a rāhui is and to please stay away from the river at this time." Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa noted.
Image: Google Maps.
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