National leader Christopher Luxon basked in the sunshine today, nearly two weeks out from the election.
Luxon roamed through the streets of Whakatāne, chatting to locals on his trail.
He also spoke at Jewelz on The Strand, which has been a target of several ramraids and burglaries.
Luxon spoke to Jewelz owner Ange Le Sueur, who told him how staff have been coping.
Luxon said he understands that it would be traumatic for staff.
He questioned Le Sueur, on how she and staff, built up the confidence to come back to work.
Le Sueur said she and her staff have utilized the victim support network.
"I have also as owner and looking after my staff, installed a door that we can close."
"It's a bit of a jail system, but at least we can look after ourselves," she said.
After the stop at Jewelz, Luxon announced a new policy on Quay Street.
If elected, National would introduce new gang laws in its 100 days.
It plans to ban gang patches and insignia in public, give police some powers to issue notices to suspected members gathering in public, restricting gang member associations, and enabling warrantless searches.